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Conference Publications



  • A. Benamara, C. Clavel, B. Ravenet, N. Sabouret, J. Saunier. Exploring the role of embodiment on intimacy perception in a multiparty collaborative task, In Proc. Workshop on Artificial Character Embodiment (ACE@IVA), 2024.

  • F. Debackere, C. Clavel, A. Rören, F. Rannou, C. Nguyen, V-T. Tran, Y. Messai, J-C. Martin. (2024). Évaluation d’une application motivationnelle personnalisée pour la lombalgie. Workshop Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions (WACAI 2024), Bordeaux, France. Juin 2024.



  • F.Debackere, C. Clavel, A. Rören, V-T. Tran, Y. Messai, F. Rannou, C. Nguyen, J-C. Martin. (2023). Design framework for the development of tailored behavior change technologies. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '23 Adjunct). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 140–146.

  • F. Debackere, C. Clavel, A. Rören, F. Rannou, C. Nguyen, V-T. Tran, I. Boutron, Y. Messai, J-C. Martin. (2023). Démarche de conception participative d’une application mobile motivationnelle pour l’autogestion de la lombalgie chronique. 34ème Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'interaction Humain-Machine (IHM 23), Troyes, France. Avril 2023. 

  • R. Chauvain, C. Clavel, B. Ravenet, N. Sabouret. A virtual coach with more or less empathy: impact on older adults' engagement to exercise, In Proc. 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), ACM DL, 2023.


  • Rei, D, Ravenet, B., Martin, J.-C., Clavel, C. 2022. Daily Walking in a Mobile Personalised Coaching Application: Combining Self-Determination Theory and Regulatory Focus Theory for Motivation. Abstract and Oral presentation for ECPP 2022 (European Conference on Positive Psychology) , Reykjavik, Iceland.

  • Hamet Bagnou, J., Prigent, E., Martin, J-C., Clavel, C. (2022). Impact of Alexithymia on Social Skill during dyadic interaction. International  Symposium on  Differential Psychology, Aix-en-Provence, France, 01-03 Juin. (poster)

  • Hamet Bagnou, J., Prigent, E., Martin, J-C., Clavel, C. (2022). Impact of Self Focused Attention on Collaborative Problem Solving. 22nd meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Lille, France, 29 Aug. - 01 Sept.(poster)

  • D. Potdevin, N. Sabouret, C. Clavel. Utilisation d’un agent virtuel pour l’accueil des visiteurs en office de tourisme, In Techniques de l'ingénieur Industrie du futur (TI), DOI 10.51257/a-v1-in250, 2022.

  • E. Lorini, N. Sabouret, B. Ravenet, J. Fernandez-Davila, C. Clavel. Cognitive Planning in Motivational Interviewing, In Proc 14th International Conference on Agents and ARTificial intelligence (ICAART), 2022.

  • F. Debackere, C. Clavel, A. Roren, V. Tran, G. Snoubra, Y. Messai, F. Rannou, C. Nguyen & J.-C. Martin. (2022). Profiling of low back pain patients for the design of a tailored coaching application. 2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 1-8.



  • Hamet Bagnou, J., Prigent, E., Martin, J-C., Yang, L., Woo, J., Achard, C., Pelachaud, C., Clavel, C. 2021. A Framework for the Assessment and Training of Collaborative Problem-Solving Social Skills. Workshop SAMIH (Social Affective Multimodal Interaction for Health). International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, October 18–22, 2021. 

  • A. Louvet, C. Clavel, R. Ravenet, N. Sabouret. Interaction avec un agent motivationnel pour soutenir le changement de comportement, Poster in 32nd Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM20.21), 2021. With the demonstration video (French only).


  • Potdevin, D., Sabouret. N. & Clavel, C. An intimate virtual counselor for a better user experience, In Proc. 20st International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), ACM, 2020.

  • Potdevin, D., Sabouret. N. & Clavel, C. Une conseillère virtuelle intime pour une meilleure expérience des utilisateurs, In Proc. Worshop sur les Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions (WACAI), 2020.


  • Potdevin, D., Sabouret. N. & Clavel, C. Quand la fiction dépasse la réalité : Influence de la nature humaine ou virtuelle de l'interlocuteur sur la perception d'intimité, In Proc. 10th Conférence de Psychologie Ergonomique (EPIQUE), 2019.



  • Martin, J.-C., Clavel, C. (2017) Tailored, Multimodal and Opportune Interactions on a Wearable Sport Coach: The WE-nner Framework. Global Thoughts, Local Designs. T. Clemmensen et al. (Eds.): INTERACT 2017, LNCS 10774, Springer, pp. 24-32.

  • Jégou, M., Clavel, C., Sabouret, N. & Martin. J.-C. (2017). Modeling The Impact Of Action Tendency On An Agent Interrupting Behavior, in Proc Workshop on Conversational Interruptions in Human-Agent Interactions at IVA, 2017.

  • Bellik, Y., & Clavel, C.  (2017, December). Geometrical Shapes Rendering on a Dot-Matrix Display, in Proc. of the 9th International conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, IHCI 2017, Evry, Paris, France, 10 pages

  • Corrégé, J.-B., Clavel, C., Christophe, J., & Ammi, M. (2017, Juillet). Utilisation des normes sociales injonctives pour favoriser la conception de projets de rénovation énergétiquement performants. Communication présentée au 10ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale Appliquée (CIPSA), Lille.

  • Corrégé, J.-B., Clavel, C., Sabouret, N., Hadoux, E., Hunter, A. & Ammi, M. (2017, Avril). Persuasive Dialogue System for Energy Conservation. Communication affichée à la 12th International Conference on Persuasive Technologies (PT-17), Amsterdam.


  • Arnaud, A., Corrégé, J.-B., Clavel, C., Gouiffès, M., & Ammi, M. (2016, Novembre). Exploration of Virtual Environments on Tablet : Comparison Between Tactile and Tangible Interaction Techniques. Communication présentée à la 18th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2016), Tokyo. pp. 357-361.

  • Fourati, N., Richard, A., Caillou, S., Sabouret, N., Martin, J.-C., Chanoni, E., Clavel, C. (2016). Facial Expressions of Appraisals Displayed by a Virtual Storyteller for Children. In 16th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA2016), pp. 234-244.

  • Corrégé, J.-B., Clavel, C., Christophe, J., & Ammi, M. (2016, Avril). Using Regulatory Focus Theory for a Mobile Device Renovation Application: Nudging Users Towards Building Green Houses. In 11th International Conference on Persuasive Technologies (PT-16), Salzbourg. (poster)


  • Faur, C., Martin, J-C., Clavel. C. (2015). Matching artificial agents’ and users’ personalities: designing agents with regulatory-focus and testing the regulatory fit effect. 37th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2015), pp 662-667, July 23-25, Pasadena, USA.

  • Faur, C., Caillou, P., Martin, J-C., Clavel. C. (2015). A Socio-cognitive Approach to Personality: Machine-learned Game Strategies as Cues of Regulatory Focus. 6th biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015), pp 581-587, Xi'An, China, September 21-24, 2015. Published by IEEE Computer Society.

  • Arnaud, A., Corrégé, J.-B., Clavel, C., Gouiffès, M., & Ammi, M. (2015, Octobre). Exploration d'un environnement virtuel sur tablette : comparaison entre des modalités tactiles et tangibles. Communication affichée à la 27e Conférence Francophone de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2015), Toulouse.

  • Chen, W., Ladeveze, N., Clavel, C., Mestre, D., Bourdot, P. (2015). User Cohabitation in Multi-stereoscopic Immersive Virtual Environment for Individual Navigation Tasks. IEEE Virtual Reality 2015, pp 410-429.



  • Courgeon, M., Clavel, C., Martin, J.C. (2014). Modeling Facial Signs of Appraisal During Interaction: Impact on Users’ Perception and Behavior, In International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agents Systems, AAMAS 2014, Paris, France, pp. 765-772.


  • Gómez Jáuregui, D. A., Philip, L., Clavel, C., Padovani, S., Bailly, M., and Martin, J.-C. "Video Analysis of Approach-Avoidance Behaviors of Teenagers Speaking with Virtual Agents". In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2013). Sydney, Australia, December, 9-13th 2013

  • Le Bail C., Sennegon, B., Clavel C., Valentin A., Martin J-C. (2013) Ergonomie et théories de la personnalité pour les personas en conception de service. 48ème Congrès de la SELF, 28-30 août 2013. Paris : France

  • Faur, C., Clavel, C., Martin, J.-C. (2013) PERSEED: a Self-based Model of Personality for Virtual Agents Inspired by Socio-cognitive Theories. 5th biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013). Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2013. Published by IEEE Computer Society.

  • Clavel, C., Faur, C., Martin, J.-C., Pesty, S., Duhaut D. (2013) Artificial Companions with Personality and Social Role. Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Creativity and Affective Computing. IEEE, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Creativity and Affective Computing (CICAC), pp. 87-95, Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). Singapore, Apr 2013.

  • Faur, C., Clavel C., Martin, J.-C. (2013) La personnalite´ comme catalyseur de l’intercompre´hension entre un utilisateur et un agent virtuel : le mode`le PERSEED, Confe´rence III - Intercompre´hension de l'intraspécifique a` l'interspécifique (III 2013) , Lorient, France, 2013

  • Le Bail, C., Martin, JC., Clavel, C. & Valentin, A. (2013). L’outil méthodologique des personas en conception de services innovants : Comment représenter l’expérience Utilisateur ?,CONFERE : 20ème édition du colloque international de la Conception et Innovation. 4–5 Juillet, Biarritz



  • Martin, P., Férey, N., Clavel, C., Darses, F., Bourdot, B., (2012) Sensorimotor Feedback for Interactive Realism: Evaluation of a Haptic Driving Paradigm for a Forklift Simulator In P. Isokoski and J. Springare (Eds.): EuroHaptics 2012, Part I, LNCS 7282, pp. 314–325, 2012.



  • Tan, N., Pruvost, G., Courgeon, M., Clavel, C., Bellik, Y., Martin, J.-C A Location-Aware Virtual Character in a Smart Room: Effects on Performance, Presence and Adaptivity. Intelligent User Interface (IUI) 2011, 13-16 February 2011, Palo Alto, Califonia.



  • Clavel, C., Plessier, J., Martin, J.-C, Ach, L., & Morel, B. (2009). Combining facial and postural expressions of emotions in a virtual character. Proceeding of the International Conference of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'2009). Amsterdam, The Netherlands September 14-16. LNCS, Springer. Z. Ruttkay, M. Kipp, A. Nijholt, & H. Hogni Vilhjalmsson (Eds.) pp. 287-300. taux d’acceptation : 18%

  • Clavel, C., & Martin, J.-C (2009). Exploring Relations between Cognitive Style and Multimodal Expression of Emotion in a TV Series Corpus. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII-09), Springer, LNCS, J. Cohn, A. Nijholt and M. Pantic (Eds.). 8p
    taux d’acceptation : 30%

  • Clavel, C., & Martin, J.-C (2009). PERMUTATION: A Corpus-based Model of Personality and Multimodal Expression of Affects for Virtual Characters. Proceedings of HCI International 2009 (Digital Human Modeling, HCII 2009, LNCS 5620), 19-24 July, San Diego, CA, USA. pp 211-220

  • Ciaccia, A., & Clavel, C. (2009). Le traitement de l’information dans des activités de recherche d’information sur le Web : analyse cognitive de l’influence de variables liées à l’utilisateur et au type de problème de recherche. In H2PTM’09. Rétrospective et perspective 1989-2009. Saleh I., Leleu-Merviel S., Jeanneret Y., Massou L. & Bouhai N. (Eds). Paris : Hermès-Lavoisier. 75 - 86



  • Clavel, C., Cuisinier, F., & Fonds, V. (2007). Accompagnement par l'enseignant d'activités de reformulation et construction de connaissances au collège, Colloque «Effets des pratiques enseignantes sur les apprentissages des élèves», 14 et 15 mars 2007, IUFM de Franche-Comté, Besançon 

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