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Journal Publications



  • Hamet Bagnou J, Prigent E, Martin J-C and Clavel C (2022)  Adaptation and validation of two annotation scales for assessing social skills in a corpus of multimodal collaborative interactions. Journal Frontiers in Psychology
    Sec. Human-Media Interaction doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1039169 
    Impact Factor 2020 = 2.99 

  • Aubert, M., Clavel, C., & Martin, J. C. (2022). Relationship Between Psychological Needs and Regulatory Focus Among Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. Health psychology research, 10(3), 35608.



  • Potdevin, D., Clavel, C.  & Sabouret, N.(2021).  A virtual tourist counselor expressing intimacy behaviors: A new perspective to create emotion in visitors and offer them a better user experience?, In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Volume 150, Elsevier, 2021.:


  • Potdevin, D., Clavel, C.  & Sabouret, N (2020). Virtual intimacy in human-embodied conversational agent interactions: the influence of multimodality on its perception, In Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI), published online, 2020.

  • Potdevin, D., Sabouret, N., & Clavel, C. (2020). Intimacy perception : Does the artificial or human nature of the interlocutor matter ?, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 142, doi:


  • Philip, L., Martin, J.-C., & Clavel, C. (2018). Rapid Facial Reactions in Response to Facial Expressions of Emotion Displayed by Real Versus Virtual Faces. i-Perception, 9(4): 1–18. doi:10.1177/2041669518786527

  • Corrégé, J.-B., Clavel, C., Christophe, J., & Ammi, M. (2018). Social norms from a goal-system point of view: Contributions of activity analysis. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 40(2), 73-86


  • Fourati, N., Richard, A., Sabouret, N., Martin, J.-C., Chanoni, E., & Clavel, C. (2017). Expression faciale d’émotions par un narrateur virtuel pour des enfants. Revue d’intelligence artificielle , 31(5), 537-556

  • Corrégé, J.-B., Clavel, C., Christophe, J., & Ammi, M. (2017). Using Social Injunctive Norms to Nudge Users Towards Building Green Houses. PsyEcology. 8(3), 297-322

  • Philip, L., Martin, J.-C., Clavel, C. (2017). Suppression of Facial Mimicry of Negative Facial Expressions in an Incongruent Context. International Journal of Psychophysiology.

  • Faur, C., Martin, J.-C., Clavel, C. (2017). Measuring Chronic Regulatory Focus with Proverbs: the Developmental and Psychometric Properties of a French Scale, Journal of Personality and Individual Differences. Volume 107, 1 March 2017, Pages 137–145. 


  • Clavel, C., Philip, L., Gomez Jauregui, D. A., Padovani, S., Martin, J.-C. (2015). Usage des nouvelles technologies pour étudier les apprentissages scolaires et les favoriser. Enfance (1):15-34.



  • Chen, W., Clavel, C. Férey, N., Bourdot, P. (2014). Perceptual Conflicts in a Multi-Stereoscopic Immersive Virtual Environment: Case Study on Face-to-Face Interaction through an Avatar. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environment, Vol. 23, No. 4 



  • Courgeon, M., Clavel, C. (2013). MARC: a Framework that Features Emotion Models for Facial Animation during Human-Computer Interaction, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces

  • Buisine, S., Courgeon, M., Charles, A., Clavel, C., Martin, J-C., Tan, N., Grynszpan, O. (2013) The role of body posture in the recognition of emotion in contextually-rich scenarios. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,[Impact Factor = 1.131] 

  • Ammi, M. Clavel, C. Weller, M. de la Chapelle, V. Martin, J-C.(2013). "Canal Haptique", un projet art et science: Communication multimodale d'émotions à distance, Technique et science informatiques numéro Art et informatique, Lavoisier, 32(3-4), pp. 1-27.



  • Clavel, C., Devillers, L., Plessier, J., Ach, L., Morel, B., Martin, J.-C. (2012). Combinaisons d’expressions vocales, faciales et posturales des émotions chez un agent animé. Perception par les utilisateurs. Techniques et Sciences Informatiques (TSI). Special issue on "Agents conversationnels et Affective Computing",31(4).pp.533-564



  • Courgeon, M., Clavel, C., Tan, N., & Martin, J-M. (2011). Front View vs. Side View of Facial and Postural Expressions of Emotions in a Virtual Character. LNCS Transactions on Edutainment.



  • Cuisinier, F., Sanguin-Bruckert, C., Bruckert, J.P., & Clavel, C. (2009). Les émotions affectent-elles les performances orthographiques en dictée ?, L’Année Psychologique, 110 (1), pp. 3-48



  • Cuisinier, F., Gauducheau, N., Clavel, C., Costet, J.P., Pelloux, P. (2007). Psychologie des interactions sociocognitives et apprentissages scolaires : Regards croisés de pédagogues et de chercheurs, Les Sciences de l'Éducation, Pour l'Ère Nouvelle, 40(4), pp.31-61.

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